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Li: Nation to expand jobs, incomes

by reachhome on 2019年1月18日
, Li: Nation to expand jobs, incomes

Support for innovation, startups aims to create new growth drivers, premier says

Premier Li Keqiang called for more employment opportunities for job seekers, increases in their incomes and better environmental protection practices amid global and domestic challenge.

New economic drivers and the transformation of traditional industries in China are being pursued through support of innovation and business startups, Li said.

The premier made the comments during a meeting of the State Council, China’s Cabinet, on Thursday to solicit suggestions on the draft of the Government Work Report, which is to be delivered in March to the annual session of the National People’s Congress, the top legislature.

The vitality of market entities should be boosted via deepened reform and opening-up, and an improved business environment should be realized by substantially reducing costs for small and micro enterprises, Li said.

The premier said China will continue to carry out its proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. People’s welfare should be ensured to improve living standards and unleash the full potential of domestic consumption, he said.

The State Council invited speakers from eight non-Communist political parties and other experts to make their suggestions on the draft.

Wan Exiang, chairman of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, suggested that the domestic market should be further explored while China should open its doors wider to the outside world.

Ding Zhongli, chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, urged more vigilance against debt and financial risks, and an improved healthcare system.

Gao Yunlong, chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, proposed that policies in support of private businesses should be launched as soon as possible.

Wu Weihua, chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiu San Society, suggested accelerating the building of a number of national centers for technological innovation. He also suggested that large research facilities should be built in key areas and shared among professionals and institutions.

Lyu Jian, president of Nanjing University, represented those without political affiliations. He suggested that an assessment system for scientific and technological research should be reformed to stimulate the enthusiasm of research professionals. Costs should be reduced for enterprises, he added.

The premier thanked them for their support of the government’s work over the years. He said the State Council will study and absorb their suggestions to make the draft a better Government Work Report.

The government will work closely with non-Communist political parties, federations of industry and commerce, and those without political affiliation to promote healthy and sustainable social and economic development, the premier added.


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